Other Resources and Information
Web Sites and Facebook groups
Mad in America – Mad in America’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for rethinking psychiatric care in the United States (and abroad).
The Power Threat Meaning Framework – Towards the identification of patterns in emotional distress, unusual experiences and troubled or troubling behaviour, as an alternative to functional psychiatric diagnosis.
Drop the Disorder (Facebook) – a group for anyone interested in challenging traditional approaches to emotional distress.
A Disorder 4 Everyone – Exploring the culture of psychiatric diagnosis – creating change. Provides events blogs and other resources.
The Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry – CEP exists to communicate evidence of the potentially harmful effects of psychiatric drugs to the people and institutions in the UK that can make a difference.
The Inner Compass Initiative and Withdrawal Project – provides information, resources, tools, and connecting platforms to facilitate more informed choices regarding all things “mental health”.
Mad in America’s Drug Withdrawal pages – A directory of providers who help people taper from psychiatric medications, and information about withdrawal guides, educational courses, research studies, and personal withdrawal studies.
Compassionate Mental Health – Experiential events designed to inform, inspire and empower people living and working with mental distress.
Let’s Talk Withdrawal (Facebook) – a group dedicating to sharing experiences and discussing issues with psychiatric drugs including antidepressants, antipsychotics and benzodiazepines.
Jacqui Dillon is a writer, campaigner, international speaker and trainer, and also a voice hearer. Her website has information and resources.
Rufus May is a clinical psychologist and trainer who has recovered from his own experiences of psychosis. His website has resources and events.
The Icarus Project is a grassroots network of independent groups and individuals who wish to look beyond the conventional medical model understandings.
The International Hearing Voices Network includes extensive resources about ways of overcoming the difficulties faced by people who hear voices, as well as the more positive aspects of the experience and its cultural and historical significance.
The UK branch of the Hearing Voices Network.
Political Groups, Advocacy and Action
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prescribed Drug Dependence will address the growing problem of prescribed drug dependence by demanding appropriate services for those affected, proper training for medical professionals, reduced prescribing through adherence to new and existing guidelines, better data regarding the prevalence of PDD and more research into long-term harms associated with PDD.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Psychology – focuses on raising awareness amongst parliamentarians and policymakers of the importance and relevance of psychology, combining research and best practice briefings to ensure that MPs have access to a psychological, evidence-based approach to policy development.
Discursive of Tunbridge Wells – blogs and commentary on psychology, mental health and related topics.
Critical MH Nurses Network – Takes a critical perspective on the practice, culture and environment of mental health nursing.
The home of the Critical Psychiatry Network for UK psychiatrists.
Duncan Double’s collection of articles from a critical perspective.
Tales from the Madhouse – An insider critique of psychiatric services by Gary Sidley.
Retired psychologist Phil Hickey directs hard-hitting criticism at the diagnostic model.
Far be it from me – blog by Judith Haire.
Hole Ousia – blog by psychiatrist Dr Peter Gordon.
Trauma Related Resources
YoungMinds charity ‘Addressing Adversity’ campaign.
Trauma-informed practice guide and toolkit, 2013 British Columbia.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Information, projects, research from the USA.
Trauma-informed information, projects and resources in Australia.
Practice guidelines for the treatment of complex trauma and trauma-informed care and service delivery (2012).
Information, articles, resources on trauma at:
Podcasts and Interviews
The Mad in America Podcast, hosted by James Moore.
My Own Worst Enemy, hosted by Danny Whitaker.
Madness Radio, hosted by Will Hall.
Let’s Talk Withdrawal, hosted by James Moore.
Psychological formulation in ‘psychosis’ Powys, 2014.
Formulation as an alternative to diagnosis.
What is psychological formulation?
The Voices in my Head, TED talk by Eleanor Longden
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