

Bruce Levine reviews “Cured,” a PBS Independent Lens documentary about gay liberation from psychiatry to be broadcast on October 11, 2021.  Levine writes: “Cured is the story of how gay activists forced the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1973 to rescind its declaration that homosexuality is a psychiatric illness and, ultimately, to remove it from their DSM manual of disorders. Cured is a powerful piece of filmmaking….”  Levine ponders how a documentary so critical of psychiatry could ever have been made and shown on public television: “When I heard that a film was in the works that was fiercely critical of the APA’s treatment of homosexuals, I wondered if it would ever get seen, and when I heard it was to be broadcast on PBS’s Independent Lens, I became curious as to how the filmmakers had pulled this off.” You can read the full review here then set your PVR to record it!