Rethinking Psychiatry …. Robert Whitaker Speaks in Montreal


Robert Whitaker, founder and president of Mad in America, gave a public lecture at Concordia University on November 10th. ‘Rethinking Psychiatry: How the Failure to Identify the Biological Causes of Major Mental Disorders Opens Up New Possibilities for Long-term Recovery’ was hosted by AMI-Quebec.

When introducing Whitaker, AMI-Quebec Executive Director, Ella Amir, told the audience her organization is committed to sharing “emerging knowledge related to mental health, even when it is controversial or difficult to digest … we invited Robert Whitaker because we believe he has something important to say and while it may not be obvious to everyone, his is a hopeful message with encouraging prospects.” Comparing Whitaker to Copernicus, Amir highlighted the courage it takes for those who make pioneering contributions by challenging the status quo.

While in Quebec, Robert Whitaker gave psychiatry grand rounds at McGill University Health Centre. And he was interviewed by The Montreal Gazette – ‘We need to rethink how we treat psychiatric illness: author’.



  1. Hi All
    Have recently found your site and it’s great to find so many are on the same track and expanding globally
    Surprised though that the David Healy blog and Rxisk blog don’t have a mention as based in Hamilton Canada although began in UK and share similar issues..

    All the very best to all
