Wednesday, 18, September, 2024

Dreams of Freedom

In her dreams she rises to the open Sky, escorted by Messengers that transcend the structured Patterns. Change-Horse has broken through the Bubble of...

“What Do You Want?”

With so many choices she can't decide who to be. Presumably a Dove doesn't feel any need to be anything other than herself. Lucky...

Temagami Nights + Aurora Borealis

Being with nature can be a wonderful way to nurture ones mental well-being. David Skinner is an artist from Ingersoll, Ontario. Many of his pictures'...

There is Always Hope

There is always a better day, another opportunity to deal with life's challenges. David Skinner is an artist from Ingersoll, Ontario. Many of his pictures'...

Wait, What? A Survivor’s Notebook

Diagnosis I’ve got that thing where you ask yourself if you’re to scale in their world, or merely in yours.  Spiders The ward is crawling with spiders....

Creature Wisdom

In her wiser Times she recognizes the Value of what shines deep in her Dog's Eyes. What is of true Value. What really matters...

Moving Forward

Moving forward where are we going? What will be the new "normal"? What IS normal anyways? Having lived through several versions of myself I have...

Sandy Hook

The inspiration came from the Sandy Hook school shootings in December 2012. Flowers represent the 20 children and six staff members who died. David Skinner is...

Tree Woman

She chooses to wear Branches for a Cloak. As the cold Winds blow. As the lone Bird flies. She yearns for the distant Hills...

Behind the Wall

The conscious world, What a concept? Voices echo in sonorous rhythm. Social groups form with purposeful ease. In a world of success, The abject waits, Behind walls so white they...

The Three Doors by David Skinner

Throughout the Covid pandemic we are being faced with many choices that have caused stressful situations for many. David Skinner is an artist from Ingersoll,...

Softly Flowing

The inspiration came from kayaking on Pittock Lake in Woodstock, Ontario. David Skinner is an artist from Ingersoll, Ontario. Many of his pictures' subject matter...

I Love You This Much

Sent to a friend. Self explanatory. David Skinner is an artist from Ingersoll, Ontario. Many of his pictures' subject matter involve the day to day...

For Brianna (1981-2018)

I dedicate this poem to my late friend, colleague, and mentor Brianna Hersey, in the spirit of radical care–who researched the intersections of psychoanalysis...


In the midst of a calm night, I inhale on my cigarette and gently let the smoke pour from my lips. The moon is clear...

“I Say Yes!”

Having decided to say Yes she is now overwhelmed by the anxiety that freezes her dead in her bones. Having lived through several versions of...

The Mush Hole Rubric

(To the memory of the Kamloops 215 little ones) Having been administered a psychological caning and made to feel among “The Other,” in our own homeland. Citations not quite in...